Riding on top of the #MeToo movement, Vantage Point, wants to subject all MEN to anti-sexual harassment training through their immersive VR (virtual reality) program.
It's time to speak up for those that don't have voices. #HerToo #InMyShoes
— Vantage Point (@vantagepointvr) November 3, 2017
The Economist, in partner with Mishcon de Reya LLP, recently published a short video promoting the Vantage Point anti-sexual harassment training program…
Can virtual reality teach men to avoid sexually harassing women?
Can virtual reality teach men to avoid sexually harassing women?
Posted by The Economist on Friday, January 4, 2019
Firstly, let me make this clear, there are indeed cases where men have sexually harassed and assaulted women. No one in their right mind would doubt that, or condone that sort of behavior. However, when a venture capital backed company like Vantage Point wants to force their virtual reality anti-sexual harassment training onto the general population, one should question, to what extent?
The overwhelming majority of men have never sexual harrassed or assaulted another person. If Vantage Point is going to advocate that men should undergo their anti-sexual harassment training, then it’s only fair that we need to define, what constitutes as sexually inappropriate behavior? Who gets to make the rules and draw the lines?
#MeToo really stands for, #UsNot
The #MeToo movement has been continually trying to move the goalposts and redefine acts of sexual harassment since the hashtag movement started. #MeToo is a group composed primarily of radical left-wing feminists, influencers, and politicians. They are undermining male/female interaction, and creating an environment where men must question any sort of encounter in a professional setting as being sexual.
Some of the HR policies that have stemmed from the #MeToo movement have been nothing short of insanity. For example, NBC News now has a strict policy of no hugging. And Netflix has a policy of no looking at anyone in the eyes for a period of more than 5 seconds at a time.
In an interview for the December issue of Porter entitled ‘The New Queen of Hollywood,’ actress Margot Robbie claims she did not know what constituted sexual harassment until the emergence of the #MeToo movement.
Canadian clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson, was recently in the news about his interview with Vice News Tonight. He asked, why should women be allowed to wear sexually provocative items like makeup, skirts, high heels, ect, to the workplace? All of those items are designed to make the female figure more sexually attractive. So if the conversation needs to be about ways of lessening the risk of sexual misconduct, shouldn’t that be part of the conversation as well? Peterson goes on to say that “uniforms and strict dress code have been historically utilized to alleviate workplace distractions of various types.”
Here is a short interview of Jordan Peterson discussing more of his views on the #MeToo movement with National Post columnist, Christie Blatchford…
How does Vantage Point work?
So, let’s take a step back and see what Vantage Point’s view is on why they think their virtual reality program is needed to train men about sexual harassment and assault in the workplace. In a pitch video, Vantage Point Founder, Morgan Mercer, explains…
“it has the power to be the most effective training tool for equipping users with the knowledge they need to truly change and prevent sexual assault and harassment.”
Mercer touts a six-step program which is experienced in virtual reality and takes into account, “contextual and hard-to-detect nuances of common sexual harassment situations and teaches proven cutting-edge techniques such as bystander intervention.”
For businesses, the program comes with an employee analytics portal to track each employee and how they are engaging with the training material…
“…from engagement data, to patterns in behavior, to detected empathy levels, to displayed levels of confidence. Receive unparalleled insights into how your employees think and engage.”
In other words, if you don’t live up to the rules set by the program, you are a potential liability to the company and could end up losing your job.
Do the numbers add up as portrayed by Vantage Point?
Mercer also rattles off some stats, such as; 1 in 4 women will be sexually assaulted during her collegiate years, and that 80% of sexual assault cases go unreported. Mercer herself claims to have been a “two-time survivor of sexual violence.”
During the Senate confirmation process of now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, liberals on Social Media and TV were repeatedly downplaying false allegations, saying that “only 2 percent of all sexual assault charges are lies.”
However, according to Brent E. Turvey, a criminologist, recently wrote a book that dispels this notion. His research, and that of two co-authors, cited police crime reports and statistical studies. One academic study showed that as many as 40 percent of sexual assault charges are false.
During the NBC Matt Lauer sexual misconduct scandal, NBC News conducted an internal investigation of itself and found that NBC News was void of any type of harassment culture.
Another story tells of a Texas Police Officer who received an apology after body cam evidence showed that a woman falsely accused him of sexual assault and harassment during a routine traffic stop…
DPS Releases Body Camera Video of Ellis County Traffic Stop and DWI Arrest On May 20, 2018, at approximately 1:32…
Posted by Texas Department of Public Safety on Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Do women really face more gender inequality than men?
A big argument from the #MeToo movement has been that women are suffering from an imbalance of gender equality to men. However, according to new research by Gender Equality Info, men now face MORE discrimination than women in developed countries.
Who is better off in life? Men or women? New research study answers this question: https://t.co/NBpJwenm64
— Gender Equality Information (@GenderEqualinfo) January 3, 2019
Their research shows that in 91 (68%) of the 131 countries, men were on average more disadvantaged than women, and in the other 43 (32%) countries, women were more disadvantaged than men. The BIGI (Basic Indicator of Gender Inequality) scale uses several factors in their data analysis.
Here some examples of the calculations used for the United States:
We use the United States to illustrate the calculation of the BIGI scores (S1 Table). We start with the BIGI 2016. Note, all ratios in the calculation below are adjusted as described above (i.e., smaller value divided by larger value).
1. The healthy life span ratio for women (71 years) to men (68 years) in the US in 2016 is 1.0423 ([4], p.55).
2. For 2016, enrollment sex ratio in primary education and literacy are listed as 1.00 ([4], p.50-51), whereas the sex ratio in secondary education enrollment ([4], p.52) as 1.0326, and literacy rate as 1.00. For the education component of BIGI we take the value that deviates most from parity, in this case 1.0326.
3. From the Gallup World Poll data 2016, we took the ratio of women’s life satisfaction in the USA (6.9094) and men’s life satisfaction (6.6947), which was 1.0311.
4. The average of the above (healthy life span ratio, 1.0423, education score, 1.0326, and the life satisfaction score, 1.0311) is 1.0353.
5. In order to have 0 as representing parity, we subtracted the results from 1, that is 1–1.0353 = -0.0353. In other words, in the US in 2016, the BIGI deviation from parity was 3.5% (in favor of women, because the value is below zero).
6. We calculated the US’s BIGI scores for the years 2012–2016 the same way (-0.0357, -0.0419, -0.0246, -0.0271,-0.0353, respectively), resulting in the BIGI average for 2012–2016 of -0.0329.
What could the future hold for Vantage Point?
“There’s no better time for an anti-sexual harassment platform like Vantage Point’s and led by an exceptional visionary entrepreneur,” explains investor Marco DeMiroz, co-founder and general partner of The Venture Reality Fund. “All commercial and government entities have a duty to educate and train their staff on this subject. To be one of the very first investors in this sector is in line with our strong belief in the power of immersive education.”
At least one investor is willing to cut right to the point. No doubt the plan is that Vantage Point wants to creep into our colleges, government, and corporations as the mandatory solution for anti-sexual harassment training.
This whole act of getting behind the #MeToo movement is just a cover to create a new market and product, and then figure out a way to enforce that product on society.
Vantage Point is backed by big money investors (Google, FB, Amazon, ect) who stand to make a nice profit on these VR programs. Why would these big corporations want to increase their costs by adding in a VR program into their own in-house HR training? The short answer is, because they are invested in it!
“We’re excited, and this is just another step to deliver on our vision. With the support we need behind us, we’re excited to deliver a product that surpasses everybody’s expectations, and really set the standard in the next frontier of enterprise, diversity and inclusion, and anti-sexual harassment training,” says Morgan Mercer, Founder and CEO of Vantage Point. “This is just the beginning, and we’re looking forward to introducing the world to a new way of thinking about how life, social interactions, learning and development, and behavioral change can better be augmented by technology.”
As you can see, the Vantage Point company vision goes well beyond just sexual harassment programs…