Parler iOS Update v2.2 Brings New Profile Badges & More In-App Video Support

Have you deleted your Twitter account yet?


Parler influence badges

Parler has released a new update for iOS today which brings more in-app video support for Vimeo, Soundcloud, YouTube, and other major media outlets, as well as new user profile badges.

There are 5 new badges in total which identify different types of Parler users:

Parler verified influencer badge

Verified Influencers are users with a large following who run the risk of being impersonated. These badges are to protect the user’s authenticity.

Parler Media partner badge

Media Partners have Parler comments enabled on their website. This means comments on their posts are mirrored between their website and Parler.

Parler auto news poster badge

Parler automatically posts news from this Profile’s website.

Parler Private account badge

Private Accounts will restrict their profile to users they do not approve for follow requests.

There is also a “Verified Real User Badge” which is coming soon. We reached out to the Parler dev team and they explained how this badge will apply to users…

“The Verified Real User Badge is part of the scalable user verification tool where anyone can become verified. It means, that user has only verified one account. The feature is in beta and we are demoing it in Vegas this upcoming Thursday. We will release it publicly on iOS sometime after the demo. It uses facial recognition and drivers licenses to automatically verify people.”

The verified real user badge sounds like a great way to promote REAL conversation amongst REAL people!

Other improvements include better image caching and bug fixes.

Those of you with iOS can download or update the Parler app now via the App Store. Don’t forget to follow us on Parler at @Gadgism.

Founder and Editor In Chief at Write of Tech. Tech-ing the interwebs for over a decade. Things I love: 1&2 Amendments, Pledge of Allegiance, Americana.