HTC is getting ready to unveil its next gen device, dubbed the “New HTC One” or HTC One M8 soon, and according to a recently leaked document by twitter user @LlabTooFeR, it seems like the previous gen devices carrying the One brand will get an update to HTC’s Sense 6.0 UI.
Thanks to all the recent leaks, we’ve already seen a glimpse of what the new version of Sense will bring to the table. And it always feels good to know you don’t have to update to the latest and greatest hardware to get the benefit of the latest software. Just in case you don’t know what to expect with Sense 6.0, see the video below:
According to the document the HTC One will be the first in line slated to receive the update as early as May. The rest of the HTC One family would then get the updates during the following two months, either in June or July. The HTC Butterfly S, which is unavailable in the US would also get the update within this time frame.
Eventhough the leaked document spans a range of previous HTC devices, from the Desire 700 all the way up to the wildly popular HTC One, not all devices will get the latest update to KitKat 4.4.2 with Sense 6. The HTC One X and One X+ for example, will not be receiving said update due to lack of support for the Nvidia Tegra chips that were included with those two devices.
As with any major OS update, these dates are tentative and pending carrier support and testing before they are allowed to hit the airwaves. See the full leaked image below.