TELUS And CIBC Officially Launch Mobile Payment Service


A few days ago we mentioned that TELUS would enter the mobile payment space on Tuesday. Today, Telus and CIBC both officially announced their Mobile Payment app and this gives TELUS customers the ability to make payments for items under $50 from their NFC-enabled smartphone.

As previously mentioned, the eligible devices at launch include the Samsung Galaxy SIII, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy Note II and the HTC One. It is worth mentioning that the BlackBerry Z10, BlackBerry Q10 and the BlackBerry Bold 9900 are set to be included later this month. You can freely use the service wherever you find a MasterCard PayPass or Visa PayWave point of sale.

Our clients have embraced mobile technology as part of their banking experience, and we believe 2014 will be a year of significant growth for mobile payments as more Canadians start reaching for their phone instead of their wallet at the checkout counter.

You can download the CIBC Mobile Payment App directly from Google Play.

Source:  CNW

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