1. I have a client that has a large viewing audience that has an account on Parler. However they are not verified. What is the process on Parler to get the account verified, as I cannot seem to find it after Parler’s website change?

    • I wouldn’t recommend giving Parler any personal information as they will sell it and you’ll be spammed forever. The corrupt Rebecca Mercer had her hand in the data-mining when Matze was CEO. I’m still getting political emails all the time from RINO trash because I verified using my cell phone number.

  2. The new logo looks exactly like a stylized Elephant head. Guess they’re really leaning into the whole “for Republicans, by Republicans” echo chamber.

  3. Can’t really blame them after the CEO they had. Not only did they pay leftists to join the site, they made their platforms complete dependent on left-wing companies like Amazon. He was simply a bad CEO.

    • John thought that by having several elected representatives as Parler influencers it would protect the platform from being banned from the app store. And at one point he would be safe to assume that. You are correct, he didn’t prepare and they took advantage of that through the element of surprise.

      • Amazon the company that bans books for leftist political reasons, Amazon that deplatforms websites form their servers for leftist politics, Amazon the company owned by Jeff Bezos, the same person that owns the far-left Washington Post propaganda news paper. Just imagen how retard you have to be to think Amazon is not run by left-wingers LOL

      • This is what’s so bonkers about the world we live in today. You seem to think that the richest person on the planet is somehow… a leftist? Do you even know what left-wing means?

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