Makers Of The Trump Build The Wall “LEGO” Toy Being Sued

Have fun while teaching your children about the importance of secure borders.

Trump build the wall LEGO toy

The Trump ‘Build the Wall’ LEGO look-a-like building blocks toy is going out of stock.

The reason being, the makers have been sued by an overseas toy company with “deep pockets” which has yet to be revealed during this litigation. Our safe assumption is that this foreign company in question are the original creator of LEGO blocks. The LEGO company headquarters is located and founded in the country of Denmark.

The creators behind the Trump Build the Wall Lego set outlined in detail their struggle with keeping the building blocks set on the market…

We have bad news.

Due to three severe attacks on our business from the Left, the “build the wall” toy is going out of stock.

Here’s what happened…

First, a large overseas toy company with deep pockets (which shall remain unnamed for now) has threatened us with a devastating lawsuit.

Second, the “build the wall” toy was forcibly removed from our website,, by the opposition who is working behind the scenes at the highest levels. There’s only so much our patriotic lawyers can do at this point.

And last of all, Facebook has terminated our advertising account — cutting us off from millions of Americans who want to buy this conservative toy.

We are asking for your support. If you want to help us fight the opposition, please consider purchasing additional sets while you can. They will certainly be a collector’s item. When they’re gone, they’re gone. Let your voice be heard on our FB page and tell your friends. We’ll keep fighting the good fight, you do the same! TRUMP 2020

Toy Description:

101 Pieces –
Includes President Trump figurine w/ a MAGA hard hat!
Neither Keep and Bear nor this product are provided, endorsed, sponsored by, or affiliated with LEGO Juris A/S or LEGO A/S (collectively “LEGO”), and LEGO does not provide any support or warranty for this product.

You can grab this limited edition collectors item for $29.95 via the MAGAFUN webstore.

Here are a couple fan favorite creations:

Founder and Editor In Chief at Write of Tech. Tech-ing the interwebs for over a decade. Things I love: 1&2 Amendments, Pledge of Allegiance, Americana.