OnePlus today launched “Smash The Past”, a contest to win one of the first 100 OnePlus Ones and the first invites to give away to friends and other OnePlus fans. Those with the eagerness to attempt thi can apply at to send OnePlus a video of them smashing their current phone. 100 chosen smashers will win a 16GB OnePlus One for just $1 and three invites to give to friends.
Once selected, the lucky applicants are expected to record a video of them smashing the phone and upload it to YouTube. In the video, they will introduce themselves, show that the phone is actually working, and be as creative as possible in the smash.
The 100 lucky applicants will receive their OnePlus One smartphones during the first weeks of May. Subsequent invites will begin rolling out later in May. Applicants must reside in one of the 16 countries (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, UK and the USA) in which the OnePlus One has launched and be 18 years or older to enter.
The OnePlus will be available for those with invites starting mid-late May on their e-commerce site. For those who aren’t interested or are not chosen for “Smash the Past”, more invites will be available through OnePlus forum and social media contests, media giveaways and other channels.
You can read their terms & conditions before accepting to submit an entry.