Koodo Decides To Carry HTC One (M8) After Missed Opportunity In 2013


Koodo is trying to prove to us that carriers DO listen to ideas from their consumers. After an outcry of support for the original HTC One (which Koodo  never ended up carrying), this pushed the carrier to announce that it will begin offering the HTC One (M8) next month. 

A lot of you have been asking about the HTC ONE and it was definitely a missed opportunity that we didn’t carry the last one. That said, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be carrying the latest HTC One. Honestly speaking, it was because of this thread that got the ball rolling. The post kept creeping up every month and we knew we had to do something about it.

– Sumaya K, Koodo Employee

I guess this proves that Forum comments can be taken to heart by carriers & device manufacturers. Koodo has yet to provide pricing or availability, but you can be assured we will let you know as soon as this information becomes available.

Source: Koodo Community

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