OnePlus had given strong reasons for deciding to put a Snapdragon 800 inside the OnePlus One. Those reasons included a performance vs. cost analysis, and battery life. Basically, going with the Snapdragon 800 would allow them to offer high-end performance at a price under $400, and still get launched in the near forseeable future.
Things seem to be changing now. On their Google+ page, the specs now show a Snapdragon 801 CPU. Hopefully the newer processor won’t cause changes to the pricing or availability. Snapdragon 801 will offer higher maximum CPU and GPU clock speed, support for Dual SIM, Dual Standby, and a faster LPDDR3 interface.
If you need a refresher, the OnePlus One will come with a 5.5 inch 1080 x 1920 resolution screen, a 13MP camera featuring a Sony Exmor sensor (and an f/2.0 aperture), StyleSwap replaceable back covers, and a 3100mAh battery.
Source: OnePlus G+