Less than six months after LG Electronics released their new flagship LG G2 to the masses, we are now hearing rumors of what this device’s successor will included. According to The Korea Herald, the LG G3 will be announced at Mobile World Congress (February 24-27) in Barcelona and will include a fingerprint scanner, drawing inspiration from Apple’s Touch ID.
The fingerprint scanner is rumored to be a swipe fingerprint sensor, similar to the technology found in HTC One Max. LG is also rumored to be testing a Samsung Gear-like wearable smart watch G-Arch and a fitness wristband G-Health, both of which are expected to closely tie-in with the G3.
The LG G3 is rumored to come equipped with a 1440 x 2560-pixel 5.5-inch QHD display, a 2.2GHz octa-core processor and will likely run Android 4.4 KitKat, according to reports from both The Korea Herald and ZDNet Korea.
Source: The Korea Herald/ZDNet Korea